The EDT’s fifth Annual NFL Super Bowl LVIII Pool is ready for you to join.
NEW this year!!! $50 per box and you have 20 chances to win!!!!
The last few years have been challenging for the EDT as the organization relies heavily on its camping, timber sport events, and other social events to keep us going but due to the pandemic, our ability is very limited. Biggest thing is that the lumber prices have skyrocketed, so we need your help. 20% of the funds will go directly to future EDT events. Your continued support is greatly appreciated.
Those of you are unfamiliar about the NFL pool, here how it works:
The game starts with a 10-by-10 grid or 100 individual boxes – each of which is assigned $50 per square. Before the Super Bowl kicks off, participants purchase individual boxes, as many as they wish, until all 100 of them are accounted for. The numbers 0-9 are then assigned to the columns and rows randomly, giving two numbers to each cell. One axis represents the last digit of the NFC team’s score and the other represents the last digit of the AFC team’s score. Whoever has the correct digits of each prize (1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter and final) wins the prize; if the Bears win 30 – 3, for example, the winning square would be where the No. 0 on the NFC axis meets the No. 3 on the AFC axis. *Note number will change each quarter.
$1000 to EDT funds, and $4000 to the winners pot
1st quarter – winner will get $500 2nd quarter – winner will get $600 3rd quarter – winner will get $700 Final score of the game- winner will get $1000
All neighboring squares of the winner will get $75 example: W=Winner square, X =neighboring square (4 neighborhood square winners each quarter. =$300×4=$1200